Hi! I’m Lindsay. I’m really glad you’re here.


The Keys to my Heart: 

Lifting weights

The beautiful game (ahem, soccer)


Taylor Swift

Food. Just all of it.

Lattes with hazelnut

Sleeping past 6:00am

A typical day in the life:

You can usually find me trying my best to keep two tiny humans alive/getting them snacks (cue Octonauts theme song on repeat in the background). When I’m not in #mamamode I am likely listening to podcasts, organizing something, programming away at my computer, or coaching group CrossFit classes.

I’m a washed up former collegiate soccer player turned fitness professional who didn’t know what to do with my life until I was almost 30.

I was THAT student in college who had no idea what I wanted to do. I got a bachelor’s degree in Integrated Studies (Exercise Science, Technical Sales, and Family Studies) so if that isn’t the epitome of not knowing WTF my direction was, I don’t know what is!

I knew two things when I finished college: 

1. I loved fitness and movement.
2. I did not like being told what to do and when to do it.

How did Kinesis come to be?

In a nutshell, here’s what happened over the last 9 years:

It’s 2012. I just got married and finished playing soccer at Weber State University. I knew how to fitness, but I was bored trying to come up with workouts I enjoyed. A family member suggested CrossFit, so reluctantly, I tried it. Loved it. 6 months later I became a CF-L1 trainer. And so began my love for coaching.

In 2017 I decided to simultaneously birth my first child and tackle getting another degree (yes, I AM crazy). Somewhat blindly, I decided to get a Master’s degree in Kinesiology at A.T. Still University. But then again when I finished my degree, I found myself in the “now what?” stage.

At this point I still knew two things were true: 
1. I loved fitness and movement.
2. I did not like being told what to do and when to do it.

It’s the end of 2019 and now. I have 2 children and life is crazier than ever. And… I’m getting the itch. The “I feel like I should be doing more,” itch. I am still coaching and my passion for coaching and for fitness is strong, but I didn’t have the direction.
Luckily, I met the right people at the right time (s/o Active Life Rx).

While 2020 was the year we all dreaded, I spent that year pin pointing the direction I wanted to take. I knew now that what I really wanted was to make more of an impact on an individual level.

After doing the Immersion program, Active Life Rx helped me realize that the fact that I don’t like being told what to do can be to my advantage; I could start my own business doing what I love. 

Now I knew three things were true: 
1. I loved fitness and movement.
2. I did not like being told what to do and when to do it.
3. I can be one of those people who turns a passion into a business that makes an impact.

Don’t forget to sprinkle in self-doubt and imposter syndrome throughout this entire story…

And here we are. Early 2021 at my kitchen table (with the Octonauts theme song playing in the background), kinesis was born.

The name itself means movement. It emulates strength. It inspires empowerment.

Which is what I hope to help you find. If you’re still with me, thanks for making it this far. And thank you for being here.