Why do we care about how we breathe?

Our breath is directly connected to our nervous system.

Breathing mechanics can affect every aspect of our daily lives in and out of the gym.


Breathing patterns directly dictate:

How we feel.

How we feel.

Our response patterns to daily stressors.

Our response patterns to daily stressors.

Physiological performance.

Physiological performance.

Psychological & cognitive performance.

Psychological & cognitive performance.

Cardiovascular circulation.

Cardiovascular circulation.

Emotional fortitude.

Emotional fortitude.


 What you get:

  • 6 weeks of breath-focused exercises to incorporate into your current exercise regime

  • Program delivered remotely through the True Coach app

  • Weekly check ins

  • Guidance on how to adjust and optimize your breathing pattern

  • Learn how to properly brace during your lifts

  • Increase your lung capacity and CO2 tolerance to improve both physical and physiological performance

  • Understand how the breath affects your ability to handle stressors in life and incorporate the appropriate strategies


Let’s get to work.